Our Impact
Since its inception in 2016, Care2Share has run fundraising and general mental health and substance use awareness campaigns throughout Vancouver Island, the BC Mainland, and indeed across the world!
Who 2019 mental health forum
Care2Share was invited to attend the World Health Organization’s Mental Health Forum in October 2019. The focus was on universal mental health coverage.
international overdose awareness day 2019
Care2Share attended International Overdose Awareness Day in Victoria in August 2019, to respect and honour those we have lost and to promote harm-reduction strategies.
start the conversation
Care2Share attended an event at a local high school, during which we engaged youth in interactive activities designed to foster greater awareness of mental health and substance use.
Our Partners
Over the years, we have been fortunate enough to work with and be supported by:
Island Community Mental Health
United Nations Associated in Canada
Simon Fraser University Health & Counselling Services
Canadian Mental Health Association of BC
This is: Harm Reduction
Divisions of Family Practice CBT Skills Group
Mental Health Recovery Partners
Mental Health Society of Greater Victoria
…and many more!
[ photo credit: @youssefnaddam ]